Latvian schools try out surveillance system to monitor attendance
A few Latvian schools are experimenting with an electronic monitoring system to keep track of students’ attendance, but some are uneasy about the innovation in a country with its own Soviet-era history...
View ArticleWiretapping increases across the EU and beyond
Wiretapping and retention of users’ data by government agencies has increased across Europe in the last years. The trend has been thoroughly analyzed in a report by the European Commission. In the...
View ArticleSpace race in the Baltics in full swing
Latvia recently stole the lead in the Baltic space race, stating it would launch its first satellite into orbit early next year. Dana Reizniece-Ozola, a member of the Latvian parliament, made the...
View ArticleEstonia decodes IT future
The European Union launched an information technology agency in Estonia last Saturday, just months after the Baltic country announced it would begin teaching computer programming to first-graders. For...
View ArticleLatvia whizzes in as Wi-Fi wonderland
Estonians often boast that free wireless Internet access is available throughout their country — even in remote forests and along deserted beaches. And now neighboring Latvia will be able to tout the...
View ArticlePicture this: A Latvian startup visualizes the future
How to Become a Super-Successful Latvian Startup (Or, the Story)Other Latvian startups to keep an eye on: | Infographics
View ArticleTeen suicides put Latvia’s under scrutiny
The parents of the Latvian founders of a social media platform involved in a British suicide row are defending their sons, the Daily Mail writes. Latvian entrepreneurs and founders of, Ilja...
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